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The Mega Emotions Bundle

Get lifetime, instant access to our digital evidence-based tools designed to squash worry, anger, or big fears and teach kids to make better decisions in emotionally heightened situations. Bring the fun and freedom back into your kiddo's life for one incredible price. 

For a Limited Time - Only $17

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Get 150+ pages of AMAZING resources plus a stack of Incredible BONUSES for a limited time!

This is a digital bundle for you to print and use again and again. Nothing will be mailed.

Regular Price: $92 
Today's Price: $17!


One Incredible Price!

  • 170+ pages of activities, worksheets, posters, cards, exercises, and coloring pages
  • Bestselling Anxiety & Anger Kits for Kids
  • Incredible Bonuses - Tone of Voice Cards, ​Feeling Check-In, Coping Strategy Cue Cards (and So Much More...)
Take a peek inside...

Look at what just a FEW of the parents and teachers are saying!

Don't let your child's most critical years for brain development... go to waste, because you don't know where to start.

Too many kids aren't taught how to manage their emotions.

Millions of kids suffer from tantrums, impulsivity, self-control, meltdowns, and anger outbursts (long past the toddler years), which can be very limiting and disruptive to the entire family. This can lead to your kid feeling like the "bad kid" and this becomes the internal story they tell themselves about who they are.

And worst of all, you are left feeling helpless with HOW to help!

Most kids don't know it's okay to express their feelings

Telling a child to just "calm down" has never (in the history of the world) actually helped anyone calm down.

Kids often aren't encouraged that it's perfectly normal to feeling and express a wide range of emotions.  And they often aren't taught how to use this knowledge to create a positive plan of action. 

And what ends up happening is that they create their own coping mechanisms. (And often the family feels this chaos!)

Can you Relate?

You Don't Know What To Say

I bet your heart breaks whenever your kiddo struggles to start a new grade, try out for a sports team, or go to a friend's house. You don't want them to suffer. But you're unsure how to help and are worried you are doing it all wrong and are totally messing them up! It would be nice if someone just told you what to say and when to say it.

You're At Your Wits End

Do you often get those, "Wow, you sure have your hands full" glares? And you sure are tired of feeling like everything is a fight: mealtime, bathtime, schooltime, bedtime, everytime.
Do you walk around on eggshells and wonder when things will get easier?

You feel guilty. All.the.time

Do you ever feel embarrassed by your child's behavior (and then feel super guilty for feeling that way)? You might punish your kids for certain behaviors without getting to the root of why it's happening. It's like doing the same thing over and over and expecting a different result.

Raise your hand if you have kids who:

  • often have meltdowns around school or homework?
  • ​have explosive anger?
  • ​struggle to enjoy daily life?
  • ​use rude or defiant behavior has their go-to?
  • ​are easily distracted and use negative self-talk?
  • ​demand attention at inappropriate times?
  • ​struggle to make friends or try out for sports teams?
  • ​often blame others and have frequent outbursts?
Many caretakers don't address these issues, thinking kids will outgrow this stage.
But here's the bad news: These issues often don't go away and left unaddressed these issues can lead to SERIOUS problems in adolescence and adulthood.

The Good News...

It Doesn't Have to Be This Way! Feel that Weight in Your Stomach Relax.

What This Will Teach Your Child Could Change Your Child's Life Forever

You can help your kids learn emotional regulation in a fun and engaging way, right in the comfort of your own home, classroom or therapy office. After YEARS of guilt for constantly feeling frustrated with my child's behavior, I went on a mission to help my family... 

Hi Friends, I'm Tina!

I've been through it all! My child has ADHD and autism, so anger and anxiety are second nature in our home. 

Years ago I began searching for tools to help my son cope with big feelings and I had a lot of trouble finding the perfect tools, so I created them and Mindfulmazing was born.

We've been using these exact tools for a number of years, and now when my son is angry, he starts calm breathing ON.HIS.OWN. And this is a gift I've given to my son. And I want that for you too.

What's even more exciting is that when I started sharing our resources online, THOUSANDS of teachers and moms joined us, and we are now a community of over 40,000 moms and teachers around the world.

I've made this kit super affordable because I want to empower as many children as I can. 

As Seen On:

As Seen On:


Just Imagine Kids Who...

  • Don't run from their anger
  • ​Communicate their feelings and have fun doing it
  • ​Uncover the words to explain how they are feeling
  • ​Resolve conflict in healthy ways
  • ​Feel emotionally protected and secure
  • ​Learn from their mistakes
  • ​And much, much, more...




A Complete Digital Activity Kit To Help Kids Transform Their Relationship With Anger and Anxiety 

  • Anxiety Kit for Kids: 100+ pages to help kids effectively cope with fears and worries...(Value: $33)
  • Anger Kit for Kids: 40+ pages to help kids transform their anger...(Value: $25)
  • Bonus #1: Tone of Voice: Help kids recognize the power of their tone during their communication with these fun cards and scenarios...(Value $10)
  • ​Bonus #2: Feelings Check-In: A mini bundle to help kids develop an emotional vocabulary and create a personalized calm-down plan...(Value: $10)
  • Bonus #2: Social Stories: An anger and anxiety social story to help kids prepare and guide behavior when reacting to real-life situations...(Value $10)


  • Redirection: Manage unhelpful thoughts and redirect them in a more positive direction. 
  • Resilience: Create a plan for what to do when something goes wrong - instead of getting instantly upset.
  • Emotional Intelligence: Learn to identify anger and anxiety triggers and how these emotions feeling in the body. Learning to identify what they are feeling and how to manage these feelings is one of our main focuses here at Mindfulmazing. 
  • ​Strategies: Discover calm down and coping strategies to develop better responses to these powerful feelings.

A look inside...



For many kids who worry, it can be impossible to move from "what if" to "why not." Avoid that sinking feeling of not knowing what to say or do (or even worse, saying and doing the wrong things) and take control.
The Anxiety Kit includes 100+ pages of reframing thoughts worksheets, coping skills, breathing boards, and more.



This Anger Kit helps create a magical new toolbox of coping strategies they can draw from. From drawing a picture of what anger looks like to building a vocabulary for communicating feelings, this workbook will help kids learn positive strategies to take control of their lives.
This Anger Kit includes 40+ pages of worksheets, cards, posters and more.



Tone of Voice Cards

Cards, posters and scenarios. Help kids recognize the power of their tone when communicating. Have you ever heard the saying, "it's not what you say; it's how you say it?"
Value $10

Feelings Check-in Bundle

Help kids develop an emotional vocabulary and build a personalized calm-down plan. The Feelings Mini Bundle includes Feeling Wheels, Strategy Cards and Check-in Worksheets.
Value $10

Anger & Anxiety Social Story

Help kids learn to react to real-life situations through engaging social stories.
Value $10

For a Limited Time - Only $17

The Results Speak for Themselves...

"We purchased the bundle after a particularly horrid week at school for my 10yr old. We were looking for clear visuals that could help us work with her school to provide consistent messages between home and school. Our child was so excited to help pick things that felt most relevant to them to have ready for school. Other items we have used at dinner time to help the emotional education of all 3 of our kiddos. A great, non-threatening, non-lecturing way to learn, to talk, and to explore."


"I wanted to send you an email of gratitude for this bundle. I am a special education teacher/ behavior specialist/ service coordinator for a public early intervention program. I have been in special education for nearly 20 years, focusing on work with children who have emotional /social/ behavioral disabilities. It is my passion! 

Then I decided to have my own children and my first son was diagnosed (VERY early) with an emotional/behavioral disorder. He is now in 2nd grade and has a 504 plan at school. His dad and I work with him extensively at home too.  My career is very fulfilling and I have so many resources on the topic; but I am the mother on my son's team, and I get very fatigued from making so many plans for him. I just wanted someone else to give ME a support that we could implement. Then I found your kit!!! I have it in a binder and will copy the pages as we need. I will even use it for my youngest son because we can all benefit from these exercises (including me!)

Thank you so much for your contribution to the emotional health revolution!  "


"Mindfulmazing is awesome. This bundle has given me a way to help my students with tough challenges. This is also fun for the kids, so it keeps their attention. Do yourself a favor and get this. You won't regret it."


Guidance Counselor

I love this kit! 

"For me, I have used so many of the activities (or similar ones) from a plethora of sources, so having everything--plus more--in one location is simple and easily accessible. "



If you’re not 100% satisfied with the Mega Emotions Bundle after 15 days, I will offer you a full refund. I'm that confident that you and your kiddo will love it.
All you need to do to get your guarantee is to email me directly at hello@mindfulmazing.com and let us you aren't happy, and we will simply refund you every penny!


The Mega Emotions Super Bundle is a new bundle from Mindfulmazing. Mindfulmazing's resources for teachers and parents are being used in over 20,000 homes and classrooms around the world, but this is the first time they have reduced the price like this.

This Mega Emotions Bundle is available on Mindfulmazing's website but for a much higher price. You can ONLY get it here for this price. If you click away and leave this page, your chance to start easily and confidently changing your child's mindset goes away.

Get The Mega Emotions bundle for you and your child today!

we've got

A's For Your Q's?

Will I receive anything in the mail?

This is a digital bundle for you to print and use again and again. Nothing will be mailed. You will need access to a printer or a print service to use this bundle.

What age is this bundle suitable for?

This printable pack is intended for kids approximately ages 5-12. We've also had kids younger than this and older than this use the printables with success. For kids ages 5 to 7 assistance will be required.

Who created this bundle?

This activity pack was created by Mindfulmazing. Over the last few years, Mindfulmazing has been helping parents, teachers, and practitioners around the globe learn social-emotional learning. Mindfulmazing also recently published the growth mindset activity journal Amazing Me.

It's a lot of resources, where do I begin?

We know having access to so many resources all at once can be more than a little overwhelming, so start with just one resource and work your way through. When you make progress in one part of your life, it spills over to the rest! 

What can I expect in terms of behavior improvement?

Teaching calm-down strategies and using anxiety and anger management worksheets are proven cognitive-behavioral techniques used by professionals. Like any change in habit, you can't expect instant results, but rest assured, over time, you can expect lessened outbursts, more awareness, more thoughtfulness, and kindness (to name a few). You can't expect to eliminate tantrums or other unwanted behavior completely. The idea is not to stop anger or anxiety completely, that's not possible, the goal is to help kids learn how to react more appropriately. Most importantly, have fun with this!

If you or your child is in crisis, you need to seek the help of professionals, these resources are not meant to replace the advice and guidance of your doctor or health care professionals. 


Step 1

Click any button on this page to be taken to the checkout form. Once you purchase, you'll receive instant access to the entire bundle.

Step 2

You will receive five separate PDF files with each kit inside. You can download right to your computer and use again and again for your kids or students.

Step 3

Get excited! You're life is about to change for the better!

let's sum it up...

Everything you get when you purchase now!


  • Anxiety Kit for Kids: 100+ pages to help kids effectively cope with fears and worries...(Value: $33)
  • ​Anger Kit for Kids: 40+ pages to help kids transform their anger...(Value: $25)
  • Bonus #1: Feelings Check-In: A mini bundle to help kids develop an emotional vocabulary and create a personalized calm-down plan...(Value $10)
  • ​Bonus #2: Tone of Voice: Help kids recognize the power of their tone during their communication with these fun cards and scenarios...(Value $10)
  • Bonus #3: Social Stories: An anger and anxiety social story to help kids prepare and guide behavior when reacting to real-life situations...(Value $10)


Today's Price = $17

is on the other side

Sure, you could:

  • Blow $17 bucks on Amazon in under 10 seconds, but these worksheets are giving you skills that can change your child's life!
  • Stay at your breaking point and just survive every day.
  • Keep feeling guilty and sad.


When instead you could:

  • Feel confident and ready to tackle any emotion that flies your way (because they will keep coming!).
  • ​Work towards SANITY in your home (or in the homes of your students or patients).
  • ​Teach mindfulness and calming strategies right in the comfort of your home, classroom or office.

final note from


Listen, you know the value of helping your kids or students develop healthy habits.

You know it's important to guide them and help flip their thoughts from negative to positive. Stop beating yourself up about feeling like there is nothing you can do to help your child.

Instead, give yourself a pat on the back for taking action. Action that will help your kids or students develop a healthy mindset to help them tackle challenges for the rest of their lives.

Let’s get started!

one last time...

Everything you get when you purchase now!


  • Anxiety Kit for Kids: 100+ pages to help kids effectively cope with fears and worries...(Value: $33)
  • ​Anger Kit for Kids: 40+ pages to help kids transform their anger...(Value: $25)
  • Bonus #1: Feelings Check-In: A mini bundle to help kids develop an emotional vocabulary and create a personalized calm-down plan...(Value $10)
  • ​Bonus #2: Tone of Voice: Help kids recognize the power of their tone during their communication with these fun cards and scenarios...(Value $10)
  • Bonus #3: Social Stories: An anger and anxiety social story to help kids prepare and guide behavior when reacting to real-life situations...(Value $10)


Today's Price = $17

©2022 Mindfulmazing Inc. All rights reserved.  
The Mega Emotions Bundle is a product by Mindfulmazing Inc. 
Find Us At: mindfulmazing.com
Contact Us: hello@mindfulmazing.com
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